The Villa

Villa Bettoni as we see it now is the result of the expansion of the pre-existing 17th century mansion. The works were designed first by the architect Adriano Cristofoli and then by the architect Antonio Marchetti. 

One of the structures that remain of the previous building is the majestic dining hall embellished by paintings by Francesco Campo. 

Out of the sixteen Bettoni brothers who ordered the renovation, Carlo, the agricultural engineer, was the one who supervised the works, a fact that is mirrored in the library that was willed by him and abounds in scientific apparatuses. 

The architect Adriano Cristofoli made the first drawings and is the mind behind the general idea of the Palazzo, although it would be fairer to say that it was the abbot Antonio Marchetti, from Brescia, who in 1756 filled the space left by his predecessor – a habitual absentee – who actually did all the work. It was certainly Marchetti who designed the grand staircase, a small work of art made even more precious by the statues of Gian Battista Locatelli (who also created the sculptures located on the balustrade of the villa’s central body). 

The staircase, frescoed by the Galliari brothers, leads to the magnificent hall, once again frescoed by the Galliari, that its three-storeys high ceiling and that opens out on the one side towards the mountains and on the other towards the lake. 

Of the many beautiful aspects of this villa, that hosts many collections, the most important of which is a collection of paintings that is a significant example of private picture gallery, noteworthy is the hall dedicated to Marshal Gian Antonio Bettoni (1712-1773), in Austrian style, featuring beautiful stucco work by Stanislao Somazzi and battle-themed frescoes by Vincenzo Guaranà, the son of Jacopo Guaranà who painted the large equestrian portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria’s cavalry commander that dominates the room.